Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Step Into Spring with Bold Sexy Hair

Vogue and Sexy Hair challenge you to make waves, turn up the volume, and give your hair everything it’s been craving this Spring. @SexyHair sexyhair.com #MySexyHairExperience brought to you by The Vogue Influencer Network
Silk Finish Featherweight Serum
Powder Play Volumizing & Texturizing Powder
Spray & Play Volumizing Hairspray

Free Beauty Events April 2017 Contest

FreeBeautyEvents.com has a fantastic contest for April with some very nice beauty products.

This month the basket includes products from Nexxus, L'Oreal, Almay, La Roche-Posay, Marc Anthony, Cantu, Rimmel Cosmetics, Maybelline, Neutrogena and more! The Contest runs from now through 4/30/17 so get on over to freebeautyevents.com and enter!

You have two ways to do it so you get two chances to win! 1. Go to the Free Beauty Events on Facebook page like them and enter. 2. Go to the website www.freebeautyevents.com and they have a simple entry form for you.

The Contest runs from now through 4/30/17, winners will be chosen on 5/10/2017 and notified by 5/15/2017.

Disclosure: FreeBeautyEvents.com has provided me with complementary products in exchange for sharing their contest.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

New cancer treatments should inform patients about quality of life beyond side effects

New cancer treatments should inform patients about quality of life beyond side effects

Every doctor or nurse has "the one" - that memorable patient who made a career-shaping impression. For me it was a 13-year-old boy with leukemia. I'll call him Joey, although that's not his real name. When I met him 20 years ago, childhood leukemias, like acute lymphocytic leukemia, were generally considered curable. What Joey had, acute…

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Disclaimer: I may receive compensation from other websites I mention on my Easy2Save blog. You should probably assume I do. Sometimes (often) products I promote I receive for free.

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